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Software Engineer

Dell EMC | November 2021 - Present

Working as a Software Engineer in Storage Data Protection and Recovery in Cloud

Tata Consultancy Services Logo

Software Engineer

Tata Consultancy Services | January 2020 - November 2021

Working as a Software Engineer in Cloud Infrastructure

Software Developer Intern

Aryabhatta Robotics | June '19 - Aug '19

Worked on an end to end Computer Vision based software which included Face Recognition, Object Detection, Eye Gaze tracking, etc.

Responsibility includes training of neural nets and the deployment.

Software Developer Intern

Azuik Technologies | Oct'18 - Dec'18

Here I have worked on implementation of NLP systems, test and validated software functionalities.

Software Developer Intern

Udiyate Technologies | May'18 - July'18

Udiyate is an IIT Bombay SINE incubated startup, that mostly works on AI, IoT, robotics, analytics, product design and development.

Here I have worked on real time object detection for some custom objects. Designed the whole pipeline (data collection & preparation, annotation, modelling, fine-tuning),experimented with different model architectures (YOLO-v2, Faster-RCNN, SSD).
Also monitored the model performance using Tensorboard.
Used Tensorflow along with other python libraries like OpenCV, matplotlib, numpy.
The best part arrived when I read the arxiv-paper for different models and tried implementing some from scratch.